Sydney World Pride announce scholarship program.

Sydney World Pride announce scholarship program.

Sydney World Pride wants to make sure that LGBTQIA+ people from around the world can attend the Sydney WorldPride Human Rights Conference, regardless of their financial circumstances.

The organisation knows that for some people, especially those working to support grassroots community organisations, the cost of tickets, airfares and accommodation can be prohibitive. That is why they have developed a Scholarship Program.

There are three types of scholarships in the Program:

  1. SWP International Scholarship (including travel)
  2. SWP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship (including travel)
  3. SWP Ticket Scholarship

If you think one of Sydney World Pride’s Scholarship Programs could be for you, please download the relevant information pack on the official Sydney World Pride website. Application instructions appear within the information pack.

Scholarship applications close on Sunday 18 September 2022, 11:59pm AEST.

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