27 May 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm AEST

Saturday, May 27, 2023 | 6:30 pm
Don’t change the channel! As Seen on TV is BACK! After a whirlwind National Tour in 2022, Art Simone and Etcetera Etcetera return to break the fourth wall and perform side-splitting numbers about their misadventures in drag and on screen for Central Coast NSW.
Two of Australia’s biggest drag powerhouses Art Simone and Etcetera Etcetera host 15 years of drag under their corsets and this show includes revamped for stage crowd-favorites with all the drama of your favourite soap opera and the glamour of a late night infomercial, Art and Etcetera will give you backstage access to your favourite television shows – live and uncut!
Grab a gaggle and bring the tribe for (15% discount on 6 tickets or more) for Table seating up to 10
15+ (Accompanied by Adults)
Strong Language, Fog + Strobe
Doors Open 6:30 for Drinks, Music and Nibbles & 8pm sharp show time with lock out
Fully accessible venue
Tickets available via the website link below.